Ok, so I was asked to complete my own questionnaire so here goes.  It will probably come across promotional, that’s not its intention.

Tell us about yourself Andre?

I am an Independent Teacher of Transcendental Meditation (founder of Andre Berry Meditation), Mentor, Wellbeing Speaker and soon to be Podcaster (watch this space).  

I spend most of my time delivering Wellbeing Talks and teaching Meditation to Individuals, Groups and Organisations within the Corporate Sector.  When not doing this, I’m supporting them to ensure best practise is maintained through 1-1 Sessions, Rounding Days and Retreats. 

How is life?

Wonderful, I go to bed every night excited to be alive and wake up every morning with a feeling as if I am hovering over the floor.  Life is a joy and only gets better and whilst like everyone I have my ups and downs.  They don’t seem to affect me quite as much as they used to and I just love that.     

How many years have you been Meditating?

I have been exploring meditation for 17 years in which 13 of them I have been practising Transcendental Meditation (TM).  Since learning TM I have meditated twice a day, every day.   Only missing 1 session and even that was deliberate (will explain another time)   

What drew you to Meditation in the first place?

I had a great job, within an amazing industry and was paid well. I did what I wanted, when I wanted to.  Yet it never felt enough and the more I tried to do to rectify this, the bigger that feeling became.  

It started to affect me in all that I did.  Short temper, frequently frustrated, periods of depression and generally blaming the world and everyone around for how I felt etc  This was actually familiar territory, Throughout my life I had been reliving these same feelings time and time again.  Maybe a different environment but always led to the same inevitable outcome.     

Finally realising this and knowing that if I didn’t address it, it would be the same thing repeating itself over again for the rest of my life.  I had to do something, I had to change.

I decided to explore Meditation at this point (TM came later) as it made the most sense.  After all as many of the great teachers say, we need to “water the root to enjoy the fruit” and that root was very much within me, not around!

What first 3 words come to mind when describing the benefits of your Meditation Practise?

Energised, Focused and Present 

How has it affected you in the workplace?

I am more energised, focused and am far more efficient with admin which is what I usually find most challenging.  

When teaching or delivering talks my levels of enthusiasm have increased (and they were pretty high when I started) considerably and when I say that, I don’t mean bouncing up and down and from side to side with a big cheesy smile on my face rather than a genuine and pure passion for what I do. 

I also have regular experiences of dropping into a very present, flow state without trying to be and in doing so have become a more expansive listener and communicator during teaching as well as when connecting with potential clients.    

I rarely, if ever get bored and I often find myself humming with a smile on my face.  Many people often notice and comment on this.          

Outside of work has there been many changes?

In general the “never feeling satisfied” comment mentioned in the “what drew me to meditation” has now been largely replaced with a feeling of being excitingly content.  

My relationship with loved ones has also developed as a natural urge to support the glorious connection that we have is enhanced and whilst of course I loose my temper, get agitated and frustrated (I am only human after all).   It seldom lasts long, before I find myself just letting it go and moving on!       

I enjoy much of what I do and feel very satisfied whether that is washing the dishes (I can’t believe I am typing this right now and kind of know I am going to be set up at some stage and reminded of this), cooking, going for a walk or clubbing.  I love to dance!   

Without even trying, life has become simple, easy and pretty effortless yet at the same time highly fulfilling.  

Nowadays, I go to bed most if not all nights being very grateful for my day.  It’s not an intellectual experience packed with affirmations forcing one’s mood.  Rather than a genuine appreciation, that naturally resonates throughout.        

Why would you recommend Meditation to Colleagues and Friends?

If I’m honest, I’m a little wary of recommending, partly because I am teaching it but also I know in many ways people need to find it for themselves. 

But the reality is I just feel so good for it.  It has literally save my life!  I now wake up every morning raring to go and with a belief that I am going to be just fine whatever I undertake and that feeling just grows and grows with each passing day.         

Finally, anything you would like to add?

Going to use the famous shoe wear slogan here “just do it” I mean it doesn’t have to be TM and it certainly doesn’t have to be with me.  But if you are struggling in any part of life.  The unfortunate reality is if you don’t do anything about it, it’s not going to go away.   So please do something!   

Tell us about yourself Mete?

I am originally from Istanbul, Turkey. Studied college and lived/worked in Chicago for 11 years and moved to London 4 years ago. I have been working in quantitative trading at various trading firms and hedge funds as a trader and manager.

How is life?

Life is pretty good to be honest, really cannot complain. Quite happy with how things have turned out in my career, family and I am quite grateful.

How many years have you been Meditating?

It has been 3 years since I have started practising Transcendental Meditation.

What drew you to Meditation in the first place?

I was at a quite miserable spot in my previous job. It was quite stressful and amount of money I earned definitely did not justify the torture back then. I quit without planning the next steps which was something I never did before and that made me even more stressed because of the ambiguity in my future right around when I was getting married as well.(Being a Turkish citizen finding a job that sponsors you in London could be quite challenging when there is a big-time pressure.)As I was researching potential tools and techniques, and after a few failed solo attempts at meditation, I found out about Transcendental Meditation on an online post. Reading wonderful various reviews of many people, I decided to give it a shot.

What first 3 words come to mind when describing the benefits of your Meditation Practise?

Bliss, clarity of mind and inner peace

How has it affected you in the workplace?

The nature of our job is quite stressful in the day and the meditation puts me into a state of mind where the challenges become fun and easy. I don’t lose my composure easily and always have the energy to attack the next problem or mission. The effect got compounded over the time and I achieved success that I couldn’t possibly dream of but really it did not even feel difficult.

Outside of work has there been many changes?

Outside of work the benefits were huge as well. First of all, let’s say after 5-6 months into your Transcendental Meditation (may vary from person to person) you realize the real happiness what we can call bliss comes internally from the mind and I cannot think of anything else that triggers it more than Transcendental Meditation including some of the popular drugs such as MDMA , marijuana etc. When you actually figure that out, you realize you really don’t need external triggers in fact you know external triggers are not going to be as good and satisfying so you stop feeling FOMO or unhappy when you miss parties or when you cannot travel or when things don’t happen the way you planned it in general. Similarly, you stop caring or feeling bad about little or even big things that go wrong in your life. If your boss yells at you or if some guy steals your spot in a queue or if you have an argument with your spouse, you don’t feel as angry or unhappy anymore. Ironically though, it does not make you oblivious in any way, it just becomes a lot easier to handle your negative emotions while trying to resolve a challenge  It is definitely a life changing skill and experience. Everyone’s goal in life is to ultimately be happy.

Why would you recommend Meditation to Colleagues and Friends?

Everyone can have different goals and means to reach that happiness but the goal is the same.  Meditation is the most powerful tool I have experienced so far that can get you to happiness in the fastest way.

Finally, anything you would like to add?

One of the greatest things about learning Transcendental Meditation is you get lifetime support from Andre as well as joining a community of people that are passionate about this practise. Having access to him and this community of experienced meditators is crucial because the reality is learning to meditate is not the easiest thing in the world. Everyone talks about meditation, and probably attempted at some point in their lives yet still a small percentage of the population meditates regularly and gets these great benefits. Lot of people give up easily just like the way I did before starting my course with Andre.  Along with self dedication, discipline and patience, It requires external support until reaching a certain level and then it becomes the greatest habit that is almost impossible to ever give up. Having access to him beyond the 4 days of courses is crucial. One really masters this art by sharing his own experience to get feedback and learning from other meditator’s experiences.

For more information on upcoming events including courses on Transcendental Meditation please contact me directly at hello@andreberrymeditation.co.uk

Tell us about yourself Felicity ?

I am a Solution Architect supporting companies on their Cloud adoption journey. My area of focus is data.

How’s life Felicity?

Busy in a good way – it never feels like there are enough hours in a day for everything I’d like to do and learn.

How many years have you been Meditating?

I’ve been meditating on and off for several years, experimenting with different techniques. I’ve been more successful with maintaining a regular practice in the last year and a half since I started Transcendental Meditation.

What drew you to Meditation in the first place?

I’m a workaholic by nature, and I felt that I had to manage stress better and be able to switch off after work so that my mental and physical health didn’t suffer. I wanted to be able to maintain equanimity and empathy, whatever the situation.

What first 3 words come to mind when describing the benefits of your Meditation Practise?

Stillness, clarity, self-awareness

How has it affected you in the workplace?

One of the effects of meditation that I noticed almost immediately was that I was no longer drawn to the biscuit tin in the office. With the improved focus that meditation has brought about, I enjoy my work more and am more creative. I react less frequently to triggers; when I do, I am more conscious of it, and can find the space to pause so it doesn’t escalate.

Outside of work has there been many changes?

My evening meditation is one that I always look forward to as a time to reset and recover after a busy day. The mental exhaustion I used to feel at the end of the week is no longer there. I enjoy my weekends more, with the mental space and ability to be present to enjoy leisure activities.  Encouraged by my experience with meditation, I have built other healthy habits, such as regular exercise. My daughter commented that it has helped to maintain domestic peace during the lockdown.

Why would you recommend Meditation to Colleagues and Friends?

Meditation has been key to helping me be more productive and focused, while experiencing an increased sense of wellbeing. Life feels so much better!

Finally, anything you would like to add?

When I signed up for the meditation course with Andre, I wasn’t at all sure that I would be able to persevere with a daily meditation practice. In fact, it was so easy that it became a habit without much effort. The group support sessions on offer have also been a source of inspiration in maintaining my practise; it’s been amazing having this community, especially in this last year.

Tell us about yourself Candace?

I’m a bridal wear and accessories designer from North London.

How’s life Candace?

Life now is great despite the current pandemic and events of the past year; it has been a real period of personal growth for me. I account part of that to my daily meditation and yoga practice, which I find helps to keep me balanced and grounded and has helped me to gain a much more positive perspective on this past year! I’m very grateful that many things have changed for the better both in my personal and work life.

How many years have you been meditating? 

I learnt Transcendental Meditation in April 2008 and have now been meditating for 13 years.

What drew you to Meditation in the first place? 

I was in my first graduate job at the time; while things overall were going well in my life I had an underlying and gradual building level of stress leading to anxiety within my new role. My mum had read about Transcendental Meditation and suggested it as a good option to potentially manage my stress, so I booked onto the course with no expectations and an open mind. My mum and sister ended up learning the technique a year later, and we often do group meditations together which are wonderful. I can honestly say while the benefits initially seemed very subtle within myself it has been life changing for me, as it’s one of my greatest tools to manage stress and maintain life balance!

What first 3 words come to mind when describing the benefits of your Meditation Practise? 

Calming, Release, Recharge

How has it affected you in the workplace? 

I run my own business, and my hours can be unpredictable (I often work late evenings). I stop at 6 when I’m in my studio; whatever I’m doing I take a break to meditate and currently I tend to join the online group meditations. I find they’re great for refreshing both my body and mind as I’m usually flagging by that time! My morning meditations help me to focus and give me a more positive mindset with which to start my day, which in turn helps to get my workday off to a productive start.

Outside of work has there been many changes? 

Overall I can manage my stress levels better; I also enjoy being present and taking in the moment more – previously (and something I’m still working on) I would always be thinking about the next thing and not practicing mindfulness, which is something I now like to integrate into my everyday life.

Why would you recommend Meditation to Colleagues and Friends?

It’s a great way to manage your stress, have some time to yourself without distractions to recharge and can really help with sustaining a better work/life balance. Plus, I find the actual meditations very relaxing and enjoyable!

Finally, anything you would like to add?

I’ve met some of the nicest people and made some friends for life from the lovely community of people I know that practice Transcendental Meditation; something which I didn’t expect at all and a bonus of learning the practice! I also love attending Andre’s Retreats and Rounding Saturdays, as they are all incredibly restful and give me such a boost of energy – especially meditating with so many people at once. I’d highly recommend them!

For more information on upcoming events including courses on Transcendental Meditation please contact me directly at hello@andreberrymeditation.co.uk




Tell us about yourself Stuart?
At work, I head up a very busy, fast growing software company called Clear Review, and at home I have a family with two young children and a rescue dog with issues, all of whom need a lot of my attention! So it’s a very hectic, but rewarding life I lead.
How’s life?  
Life is great right now. After founding my own software startup in 2015 and spending the last few years overseeing its very fast growth, I sold it at the end of 2020. So I’m looking forward to a well earned bit of rest after a non-stop 5 years and a rollercoaster ride of emotions! Not that I’ll probably get too much rest, as we’re just about to move our family out of London down to Somerset.
How many years have you been meditating?
I’ve been meditating for about 2 years now.
What drew you to Meditation in the first place?
As Clear Review become bigger and more successful, the workload and the stress increased along with it, and I was getting increasingly tired out from it all. In a previous company that I had started, I eventually burned out from over-work, so I was worried about the same thing happening again. My wife had been doing Transcendental Meditation (TM) for several years and suggested (i.e. forced me!) to try it out.

I’ll be honest, I was pretty cynical about the idea at first, but I’m open minded and I’ll try almost anything once. When I took the course, I expected it to be full of hippy types wearing tie dye, but was really surprised to find a group of like minded, equally busy professionals, who were also looking for a way to handle their hectic jobs. I remember that there were a couple of guys working in stressful city jobs and a doctor working long hours.

What first 3 words come to mind when describing the benefits of your Meditation Practise?  
Energising, blissful, creativity.

How has it affected you in the workplace?
It’s been a total game changer for me as it’s massively boosted my energy levels. Previously, by early afternoon I’d be starting to flag, but now, after my second 20 minute meditation of the day, I feel just as energised as first thing in the morning and it gives me a second wind to power on for another few hours. But it’s more than just energy. I feel a lot calmer. Growing and selling a company is one of the most stressful things you can ever do, but through it all, I managed to keep pretty calm and level headed. That was great for both my work colleagues and my family. The other thing I noticed is that the answers to problems would just come to me. Sometimes during a meditation, and sometimes a few hours later. I no longer pore over decisions for hours – the right course of action always seems to come to me without any effort. It’s almost like magic!

Outside of work has there been many changes?
It’s been just as beneficial for my family too. When I finish work, I’ve still got enough mental energy to be ‘present’ for my wife and children, and because I don’t feel much stress anymore, I’m just a lot more fun to be around. And the kids have fully embraced my meditations. If my wife and I have to fit in a meditation when they are at home, we let them have some screen time, which they are more than happy with!

Why would you recommend Meditation to Colleagues and Friends?
I really believe it’s transformed my life for the better. I’ve had to navigate some very tricky situations over the last couple of years and make some tough decisions, and I genuinely think that TM has helped me to get that right and has led me to a successful outcome. And on top of that, for me, the actual meditation itself feels physically wonderful – like a blissful energy running through my entire body. I look forward to it every day.
Finally, anything you would like to add?
I just wanted to say that some of the things I’ve said might sound a bit too good to be true. But as I mentioned before, I’m pretty cynical as a person and I expected nothing to happen when I learned TM. I kind of did it to appease my wife who was hassling me to try it! And after only a week or two of doing it, it blew my mind. I know that everyone experiences TM differently and for some people it takes longer to feel the benefits, but this is the honest truth of my personal experience. Just give it a go and see for yourself.For more information on upcoming events including courses on Transcendental Meditation please contact me directly at hello@andreberrymeditation.co.uk

A regular Meditation practise has many personal benefits but it can also positively affect our relationships with our loved one’s too.  Here are 4 ways in which daily practise can not only support, but enhance our connection with them.  Obviously, if both of you practise all the better! 

Less Stress

Many of us come across stressful situations throughout the day and rather than process them as and when they happen, we can tend to suppress them, often bringing them back home to our loved ones.  However by regularly Meditating we deal with these everyday challenges far more efficiently and are thus less likely to take it out on our nearest and dearest.

More Open and Expressive 

A relationship thrives on any opportunity to evolve and grow.   Often that growth is seen materially and that’s fine but it is also exactly what we do when we close our eyes to meditate.  It’s the reason why we get so much satisfaction from it.  As the more often we dip into our more refined states of consciousness the more expressive, open and trusting of our own intuition we become affecting all around us but especially the ones closest to us.  As everyday experiences from most shallow to the most intimate kind naturally become more expansive!

Enhanced Communication

Misinterpretation and Misunderstanding happens less and less as we become more aware of each others emotions and feelings.  Many who have Meditated for a while, also notice they have more awareness of their senses allowing them to react from a more centred space.

A Deeper Connection leads to greater Happiness, Resilience and Security

The deeper our connection grows with each other the stronger and more resilient we become.  A tree, deeply rooted to the earth is less likely to be affected by the conditions it faces every day, than one where the roots are shallow.  It feels secure, safe and assured regardless of the weather conditions around it.  Relationships are very similar in the way that there will always be challenges but the deeper the connection the more resilient we become along with a knowing that we can get through whatever comes our way!  It is both beautiful and immensely powerful.  

Looking to maintain your Meditation Practise check out..


For more information on upcoming events including courses on Transcendental Meditation please contact me directly at hello@andreberrymeditation.co.uk