So we have been meditating for a few weeks and we are not sure whether our practise is working or not. 

Firstly it’s good to give ourselves a little time.  We have spent many years without a regular practise we can’t always expect change overnight.

That’s not to say there isn’t change going on, it’s just not always so obvious.  When we were younger we probably didn’t remember growing taller but we did.  Just like change in the mind, we don’t always recognise change, but it is happening.    

It’s always important not to judge the meditation by the quality of meditation itself, but by the quality of life.  Which makes sense why focus on a few minutes, a couple times a day meditating when we have 24 hours of living.  

Below are some tell-tale signs that our meditation practise is going well.  Again, don’t be expecting a sledge hammer of bliss smashing through every cell.  Invariably its far more subtle, but subtle doesn’t mean less powerful.   If in doubt, speak to your teacher who will be able to help.

We Feel Happier in Life

Life feels good and it didn’t need to be triggered by Happiness or Positive Affirmations.  There is just a natural feel good feeling that resonates within us and doesn’t seem to budge regardless of the environment we are in.        

Better Sleep

Sleep improves greatly as we find ourselves thinking less and less towards the end of the evening (providing the last thing you do isn’t watching the news) as we are drawn to the bedroom for a good night’s sleep.  We also notice when getting up we feel more rested than before as we recognise the benefits of a deep and peaceful sleep. 

Energy Levels Increased 

We feel more energised and capable of doing more at work as well as at home.  That said, we don’t always have to launch ourselves into further activity rather than enjoy the feeling as it runs throughout us.  It is incredibly healing whilst also makes us naturally very present! 

Less Stressed in Stressful Situations

Regardless to our practise, life will present us with challenge after challenge.  That’s simply the way it is.  But it’s how we deal with it that makes us who we are. We begin to feel more confident and capable in dealing with such them and whilst they can still be uncomfortable we become more aware of feelings deep within that it’s all ok and that’s just fine. 

For more information on upcoming events including courses on Transcendental Meditation please contact me directly at