Being Dyslexic and never passing a single written exam, I have always found communication through the written word a challenge.

But as I continue this year in attempting to push beyond in all that I do and not just everything I enjoy.  I felt I should start writing my very own Blog.

Not going to lie, partly because of my website guy (the hugely impressive Andrea Meneghini) said it would add further personality to whilst also becoming more Google friendly.  A good thing…I guess!

Pushing ones Comfort Zones is of course important.  It gives us confidence, reduces anxiety and creates a greater awareness of our true potential, all of which can lead to a real sense of satisfaction, growth and all-round happiness.  Characteristics, we can all benefit from I am sure you will agree!

It’s not always easy, it’s not meant to be, after all, we are going into unchartered territories.

This piece may seem to be a pretty smooth first post but the reality is that I starred at the screen blankly for a while before disappearing to do some Yoga, Meditation and then have lunch before eventually setting down to just do it…..frustratingly slowly!

As you can see it is now completed, largely down to a stubborn streak that lies within me.  That once I set my mind to do something I rarely, if ever back down.  Plus additional support in the form of my regular twice daily Meditation practice!

Being an Independent Teacher of Transcendental Meditation (TM), I am fortunate to witness and understand not only my own growth since learning this wonderful Meditation from the Vedic Tradition

Also, others who I have taught this simple yet highly effective technique to, as they have gone on to tackle the challenges of everyday life with newfound levels of confidence.

This is simply down to greater self-awareness and naturally finding yourself not to taking it all quite so seriously (all of which we will explore in future posts).

Thinking about how this post has come together today, in the past, I would have pushed through with grit and determination to make this happen.  I would have grimaced a few times and no doubt swore a lot.

Whereas now its actually been a pleasant process.  A long one, but an enjoyable one none the less.  Cool!  Next up, Stand Up Comedy!


For more information on upcoming events including courses on Transcendental Meditation please contact me directly at