In the Vedic tradition, from which Transcendental Meditation originates, the seven states of consciousness represent different levels of human awareness. These states progress from ordinary waking experience to a profound unity with the universe. I’ve simplified this concept to make it easier to understand.

The first three states—Waking, Sleeping, and Dreaming—are part of our daily experience. The fourth state, Transcendental Consciousness, offers our first glimpse into a greater reality, often called the Absolute. This state is marked by restful alertness and is typically experienced during meditation.

Some may have momentary experiences of the final three states: Cosmic Consciousness, Refined Cosmic Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness. However, it’s rare to remain fully established in these states for long periods, as consciousness is always evolving—and that’s perfectly fine. What truly matters is not reaching the final destination but the ongoing journey of expansion and growth.

1. Waking (Jagrat)

The familiar, everyday state where we are aware of the external world and functioning within it.

2. Dreaming (Svapna)

A state where we experience inner worlds, often symbolic and personal, while asleep.

3. Deep Sleep (Sushupti)

A dreamless, restful state where both the body and mind rejuvenate through profound rest.

RELATIVE STATE OF CONSCIOUSNESS REPRESENTS 10%-12% OF THE MIND (within any 24 hour period we experience Waking, Dreaming and Deep Sleep States)

4. Transcendental Consciousness (Turiya)

Achieved during deep meditation, this is a peaceful and thought-free state of pure awareness where the mind experiences complete stillness.

5. Cosmic Consciousness(Turiya-Tita)

A more advanced state where, even during everyday activities, we maintain an underlying sense of inner peace and unchanging awareness.

6. Refined Cosmic Consciousness(Turiya-Tita)

A heightened perception where the beauty and divine essence of everything in the world becomes apparent.

7. Unity Consciousness (Brahman Consciousness) 

The highest state of consciousness, where all distinctions between self and the world dissolve, leading to the experience of oneness with the universe (WE ARE ONE).


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